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What is the difference between LFT mold and SMC mold?

1. Definition of LFT:
LFT, long fiber reinforced thermoplastic material, English is Long Fiber reinforced Thermoplastics, is compared with ordinary fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials, under normal circumstances, the fiber length in fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials is less than 1 mm, while in LFT, The length of the fiber is generally greater than 2 mm, and the current processing technology has been able to keep the fiber length in the LFT above 5 mm.

2. The composition of LFT:
LFT (Long Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic) analysis is based on the micro-spectrum analysis technology, which analyzes the content of each component of the profile through the micro-spectrum, and restores the basic formula. Long fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials are compared with ordinary fiber reinforced thermoplastic materials. The most used matrix resin is PP, followed by PA, and some resins such as PBT, PPS, SAN, etc. are also used. There are many applications of LFT in automobiles, and the main advantage is the flexibility of materials that can be compounded in it.

The difference between LFT and SMC:
The manufacturing process of the LFT sheet is very similar to the SMC (sheet molding material) in the thermosetting composite glass fiber reinforced plastic. The same is made by pressing a sheet in a mold. LFT is a hard sheet that is heated and softened and then cold-pressed in a mold, while SMC is a cold-pressed soft sheet that is placed in the mold and then hot-pressed.

Compared with SMC sheet, the technical performance of LFT sheet has the following advantages:
1. It is harmless and tasteless, which can improve the working environment.
2. Light weight, density is only 1~1.2g/cm3.
3. Leftovers and waste products can be recycled to reduce waste.
4. The strength is higher than that of SMC, and the impact resistance is particularly outstanding.
5. Corrosion resistance and electrical performance are better.
6. The product pressing speed is several times faster than that of SMC, and the production efficiency is greatly improved.